(07) 4091 5356 reception@tch.org.au

Winter Newsletter 2023

Welcome to winter Tablelanders. If you are feeling spongy underfoot and your walls are a little greener than they used to be, well you’re not imagining it, that was a very very wet summer. And the solution is right here. For mould on your walls and ceilings, fill a bucket with warm water, add enough bleach to the bucket so you can really smell it, now here is the secret – add one drop, and I mean only one drop of dishwashing liquid, if you add more than one drop, it won’t work. Wipe this on your walls and ceilings and leave it on. Heavily infested surfaces will have to be done again a week or so later. I know it sounds ridiculous, but it works, that one drop of dishwashing liquid sticks the bleach to the mould, if you add more than one drop it will have the opposite effect, don’t ask me why, it just will.

Now into the bathroom, get yourself a spray bottle, can be a new one, or a recycled one (just make sure it has no residue from any other chemical), fill it with about a cup full of water and one Milton tablet. Milton tablets can be bought in the baby section at all supermarkets and chemists. Once dissolved, spray it on silicone around the bathroom and kitchen sinks and shower curtains. Do not wash it off. If you do this once a week in the morning, so it dries on all day, you should never have ugly looking silicone again, it should also help preserve the silicone from decay as it is not being eaten away from the mould.

For those of you who are unaware, we have a new team member. Her name is Tracey and she will stand in for Fenetta Who is awaiting the birth of her first baby. We are thrilled to have Tracey with us as she comes with a wealth of housing experience and Knowledge. Before coming on board, Tracey worked in housing at Mt isa for the last three and a half years. Originally a Malanda girl who has come back to the fold. She is a proud mother of 5 beautiful daughters which has given her skills we all aspire to – patience, empathy, care and budgeting.

School Holidays – 24th June to 9th July

Have you ever thought about Volunteering your time?
TRC are looking for volunteers to man Art Galleries and information Centres, this is a great way to meet new people, help out locals and visitors which in turn assists the whole community. Phone 1300 366 361 or call into the TRC office for more information.

ECHO at Malanda are running free art classes on the last Thursday of each month, call 40 966 634 to book your seat. Refreshments also provided.
Did you know that all tenants are responsible for replacing lightbulbs. Unless of course they are hardwired in, for that the landlord is responsible. If you are not able to get up on a ladder and you don’t have any spritely, younger friends or family to do this for you we can arrange a handman to change the bulb, we can set up payments for this service through your rent if you want, or you can pay the handyman yourself. Average cost for a handyman now is $50 per hour, we can give you names and numbers if you would like this.

Don’t forget about the Garden Competition, TRC haven’t given us a date yet but we know it will be in September, so get your gloves and fork moving, you could be the winner. There are many categories which are listed on the TRC website under EVENTS, or give them a call on 1300 362 242

The Show is here again people
Malanda Show = 7th to the 9th July
Atherton Show = 10th and 11th July
