Help provide Housing
Become a Landlord
The Community Rent Scheme is a statewide network of community-based organisations which are funded by the Department of Housing, Local Government, Planning & Public Works to provide subsidised rental accommodation to low-income households.
Tableland Community Housing Association is a part of this scheme, and we provide social housing for eligible applicants across the southern Atherton Tablelands.
TCHA is registered under the National Regulatory System as a Tier 3 provider. We currently have 22 properties which we headlease from the private rental market. Some of our landlords have been with us for 20 years and are very happy with the scheme.
As a housing management service, the Community Rent Scheme offers the following:
- Guaranteed rent for the full period of the lease regardless of tenant vacancies or arrears.
- There is no management fee for our services.
- All repairs, which are the tenant’s responsibility, are met by our organisation.
We are always seeking new properties to head-lease. If you have a property and are interested in head-leasing to Tableland Community Housing, please contact us on 07 4091 5356 or to discuss further.